Vi means Vodafone and Idea have sunk very deep. VI is in trouble because Jio has signed a deal worth Rs 16,500 crore with Brookfield. Which has become the largest telecom tower company. It was a Canadian multinational company.
They made a deal with them, gave them Rs 16,500 crore and now it has become the largest tower company in India.
Vi & Idea is in Deep Trouble - New Bill for Content Creators
Before this, there used to be a US-based company in India which was known as American Tower Corporation. It used to be India's largest telecom tower company.
It had around 2 lakh towers in India. Brookfield had around 52 thousand. After that, when Brookfield got a lot of money, they bought ATC. That is, they bought American Tower Corporation.
So now after 17 years the American tower company is leaving India. Which used to be very important for Vodafone and Idea. Because ATC's biggest customers, if any, were Vodafone and Idea, which has caused huge losses for VI.
Brookfield overtakes Indus Towers to become India's largest #telecom tower operator. This after, the Canadian investor acquired American Tower Corporation's India business for $2.5 billion. @PoddarNisha reports
— CNBC-TV18 (@CNBCTV18News) January 5, 2024
VI will still have towers inside it. Now, Jio will operate here because Jio has invested so much money. In a way, you can say that Jio is the co-partner of Brookfield.
How much will Brookfield support VI? But the problem here is that the condition of Vodafone and Idea is not good at this time. They are incurring losses due to which they are facing a lot of financial problems.
No one wants VI and Idea to disappear or shut down within India. That would leave only Airtel and Jio as telecom operators.
So Vi should stay here, meaning it should not enter the Indian market for a long time, but another telecom operator should come. Only then can the price be further reduced. Otherwise, if the bid goes on, then the price will keep increasing because you will not have the option again.
So here I think we should also support Vi a little bit. If we are thinking of getting ported from Vi to another SIM then we should not do so. And I think if you have two SIMs then one should be of Vi, otherwise you may see Vi disappearing.
Government has passed a new bill for content creators
How many of you would be watching news channels etc. on TV now? Perhaps many would have stopped watching news channels. Social media arrived. It caused many content creators and journalists to leave mainstream news channels.
They have opened their own YouTube channels or are on other social media. Where they directly question and answer the government and tell some good things and some bad things. Because perhaps now you will not get to see those things on mainstream media.
If no one is criticizing then people often go to social media to look at that thing and they may hear something new. Something different may be seen. But if any wrong news or wrong information is propagated then the reasons.
The government is now drafting a new bill, the Broadcasting Services Regulation Bill. It is said that an unannounced inspection can be done on any social media influencer or content creator on Instagram.
Meaning, that raids can take place without announcement or any information. And the equipment they have above their house can also be seized.